Yousuf Deedat
“He who is killed while defending his property is a shaheed, he who is killed while defending his family is a shaheed, he who is killed while defending his deen is a shaheed, he who is killed while defending his blood (person) is a shaheed.” (Abu Dawud, an-Nasaa’i and at-Tirmidhi)
To Allah belongs what He took, and to Him belongs what He gave. Everything is (recorded) with Him for an appointed term. We shall be patient and seek Allah’s reward for the affliction of losing Shaheed Yousuf Deedat.
Why do I use the shaheedi epitaph with respect to Yousuf? Is this not a fallacious assumption? Is a shaheed not confined to one who dies in Jihaad, a martyr? If shuhadaa (plural for shaheed) of this Ummah are only those who are killed in the frontlines then they would be very few.
In his Ahkaam ul-Janaa’iz (Funeral Rites), Sheikh al-Albaany has dedicated a chapter on good sings of leaving the world in which he mentioned, with verified and authentic Ahaadeeth, 21 sings of a good end, that anyone of which a dying Muslim attains will be considered as a shaheed. Yousuf Deedat has got not only one of the 21 sings but three of those signs of a good end.
First; it was inconceivable that a Muslim of Yousuf Deedat’s background could not be uttering Laa ilaaha Illallaah from the moment the bullet hit him until he lost consciousness. Every Muslim knows this let alone the son of Sheikh Ahmad Deedat; whenever danger approaches we say Laa ilaaha illallaah because “He whose last words are Laa ilaaha illallaah will enter al-Jannah.” The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam also said, “No soul dies while testifying that there is no (true) god except Allah and that I am Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam), with that issuing from a believing heart, but Allah will forgive it.”
Jaabir, radiyallaahu anhu, reported that after the passing of Allah’s Messenger, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, ‘Umar, radiyallaahu anhu, observed signs of sadness on Talhah Bin ‘Ubaydillaah. He asked him, “What is wrong with you, O Abu Muhammad? You appear dishevelled and covered with dust since the passing of Allah’ Messenger, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam! Is it because of the appointment of your cousin (Abu Bakr, as Khaleefah)?” He replied, “No! May Allah forbid!” And he praised Abu Bakr, radiyallaahu anhu. Then he explained, “It is just that I heard from Allah’s Messenger, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam a hadeeth; and nothing stopped me from asking him about it except hesitation - until he passed away! This is the cause of my sadness. I heard him say:
“Verily, I know a statement that no person says at the time of his death but his complexion shines by it, Allah removes his distress, it provides his soul with security as it departs from his body, and it will be a light in his record on the Day of Resurrection.”
‘Umar, radiyallaahu anhu said, “I know what it is!” Talhah asked, “Praised be Allah! What is it?” He replied, “Do you know a statement greater than that with which he, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, prompted his uncle at his death, Laa ilaaha illallaah?” Talhah said, “You spoke the truth! By Allah, this is it!”
Second; when a minimum of two righteous, knowledgeable, and truthful Muslims praise a dead person with good things, based on their acquaintance with him, this guarantees Jannah for him.
‘The chairperson of the Imam Hussein mosque in Verulam, Azad Seedat, paid tribute to Deedat, who he’s known for 30 years, describing him as a wonderful person. "He got along with everybody. He visited our mosque and supported us during our time of need. We are shocked at what transpired,” Seedat said.
‘A former neighbour of Deedat’s, Sharmaine Sewshanker, said he was a well-known community activist who was always willing to help. “He never turned anybody away that pitched up at his door for assistance. He always went the extra mile,” she said.’
Anas and Abu Hurayrah, radiyallaahu anhuma reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam passed by a funeral and praised the dead person for good things (that he did). Others followed and praised him saying, “As far as we know, he loved Allah and His Messenger.” Allah’s Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said, “Granted, granted, granted!” (On another occasion,) he, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, passed by a funeral, and someone condemned the dead person for bad things (that he did). Others followed and condemned him saying, “What a bad person he was indeed in adhering to Allah’s deen.” Allah’s Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said, “Granted, granted, granted!” ‘Umar, radiyallaahu anhu said:
“I would sacrifice my father and mother for you! When we passed by a funeral of a person who was praised for good deeds you said, “Granted, granted, granted;” and when we passed by a funeral of a person who was blamed for bad deeds you said, “Granted, granted, granted!”
Allah’s Messenger, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam replied:
“(A deceased) whom you praise will be granted Jannah. And he whom you condemn will be granted the Fire. The angels are Allah’s witnesses in the heavens; you (the believers) are Allah’s witnesses on earth; you are Allah’s witnesses on earth; you are Allah’s witnesses on earth! Verily, Allah has angels who speak upon the tongues of the human beings, telling of any good or evil that is in a person.”
Third; Yousuf Deedat died on Friday, January 17 2020. ‘Abdullah Bin ‘Amr reported that Allah’s Messenger, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said:
“Any Muslim who dies on the day or night of Jumu’ah (Friday) is protected by Allah from the tribulation of the grave.”
With Deedat Senior
Meeting Yousuf
I first met Yousuf Deedat in 1988 when I took part in the first and only Intensive Da’wah Training under his late father, Sheikh Ahmad Deedat at the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) in Durban, South Africa. There were participants from 20 countries - USA, Palestine, Somalia, UK, Zambia, Philippines, etc. As the only participant from Nigeria and IPCI did well to shield me from the press since Nigeria was spearheading the fight against apartheid then, the presence of a Nigerian in the Racist Enclave could be distressing to the authorities.
Yousuf was very helpful to us during our stay in Durban. He was everywhere - in the class; in the special presentation sessions by students to his father and President of the IPCI; in the various excursions we undertook around the beautiful outskirts of Durban, and even in our barbecue, soccer and swimming sessions - Yousuf was there, encouraging and supporting us.
This Group Picture was Taken by Yousuf Deedat in His Father's Residence 1988
Yousuf’s Dedication to His Late Father
To Sheikh Ahmad Deedat, Yousuf was a dedicated son, a quasi-body guard, a Special Assistant and a Media Consultant. Hardly would you see Yousuf in any of Sheikh Deedat’s videos but he was there; to every place, to every country Deedat went, Yousuf was with him and at his complete disposal. He was not too proud to serve his father in whatever capacity. He was part of the cameramen covering Deedat’s debates and public lectures. His dutifulness and adoration to his parents continued until the end; he was there as part of the team that nursed his bedridden father for a number of years to the time that he passed away.
O, Allah! Forgive Yousuf Deedat, elevate his position among the guided ones, and raise good successors for him from among his progeny. Forgive us and him, O Lord of the Peoples! Expand his grave, and illuminate it for him.
O, Allah! Pardon him and have mercy on him, give him well-being and forgive him, honour his arrival, widen his entry, wash him with water and ice and hail, cleanse him from his sins as a white dress would be cleansed from dirt, replace for him a house better than his, a family better than his, and a spouse better than his, admit him into Jannah, and shelter him from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Fire.