
Thursday, October 10, 2024


            NAHCON Chairman, Prof Abdullahi Usman Saleh 


I will start by congratulating the Acting Chairman, Professor. Abdullahi Usman Saleh, on his confirmation by the Senate as the substantive Chairman and CEO of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON). May Allah be his guide and ease his affairs.


With the hatchet buried, it is time we spelt out some uncomfortable home truths to the leadership of the Association for Hajj and Umrah Operators of Nigeria (AHUON). 

I am a proud member of AHUON and accidental Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Association (would that I was not). I revere the sacrifices of the members of the National Executive Council (NEC), sparing no effort or expense to represent us, and demand fair treatment from our regulator, the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON). My overwhelming adoration for their selfless and stubborn commitment to their leadership duty is boundless. That was why my company and many others adhered strictly to their instructions on preparations for Hajj 2025. However, before resolving the issues in contention, we were determined to maintain the status quo ante, even if that will extend to Arafah Day, which shall come with or without AHUON’s participation in the Hajj exercise. 

AHUON leaders missed the point that they are not a Nigeria-Labour-Congress of the Hajj industry. They are, instead, players in Hajj operations under a Nigerian regulator with whom they are better advised to only lock horns in the circumstances witnessed recently where poor handling of the situation led to an impasse. In civilised climes, what we saw in the NAHCON-AHUON saga would be expected, but things would not have degenerated to that level because the parties involved would have done the right thing. In Nigeria, it is different. AHUON may consider a parallel body, a pressure group of non-industry players that cannot be hampered to fight for its rights. 


During the first online meeting, I understood that the AHUON NEC members were in Saudi Arabia on Umrah matters. Thus, they only participated a little. The time for the meeting coincided with Saudi Jumu’ah time, or was it designed to be so? The number of participants was restricted to only 100. That judgment was flawed. Thanks to NAHCON, the number of participants changed during the second meeting to accommodate more. When the conference convener permitted me to speak, I said, ‘Sir, apparently all we are discussing here are issues AHUON is engaging NAHCON in.’  I further stated that ‘the meeting is not necessary since better understanding could be garnered more easily with a few numbers of people than with a crowd.’ 

In response to my comment, the Honourable Commissioner imputed the negation of NAHCON's right to call Private Tour Operators to meetings. I tried to explain, in vain, that was not my purpose. In any dispute, speaking with representatives of a large number of people solves problems. Since NAHCON was in contact with AHUON on these issues, calling the general house to discuss the same matter was meaningless and counterproductive unless the intent was to cause dissension in our ranks. The Qur’an advised the Makkan Mushriks to stay away from the crowd momentarily and reflect in pares and singly; they will conclude that Muhammad was no imposter or a madman. (Saba’ 34:46)

If NAHCON, for instance, has a challenge with refunds for any reason, it can confide in our representatives, who will know how to present the case to us. We will understand; thus, unnecessary altercations between the parties will be avoided. That was what I meant with my comment. 


Alhamdu Lillaah for the resolution of what led to this write-up, but one point on this taunting remark that AHUON is not a potent organisation because some members did not obey its orders. At the first Zoom meeting, about 30 companies were said to have registered for Hajj 2025; at the second meeting, the number rose to 90. Let the number be 200 or more, subject to veracity test, but these questions must be answered concerning the companies: What is their reputation in the industry and that of the people behind them? How many of them are immune from liaising with some personages within the Commission? What is their history with the Commission regarding their promises to their pilgrims and what they offer them during Hajj? Where are they situated? How long have they been in Hajj operations? These are pertinent questions for any company that claims to serve pilgrims. Hajj operations are tied to integrity and experience; few companies have these essential components. Those dangling 30 and 90 applications that evaded AHUON’s orders know all these companies better than anyone, but the emphasis then was on the number, not the capacity or reputation of applicants. In extinguishing fires, you don’t look for bottled water; any water will do, no matter how dirty, provided it will put off the inferno.  

AHUON won the race because many reputable companies in the Hajj and Umrah industry harkened to its instructions. Some of these companies are older than NAHCON itself in Hajj operations. Before the creation of NAHCON in 2006, our companies existed and conducted successful Hajj operations; we have not altered in the least. Most of us serve the very people who control the levers of regime change in government agencies; that is our clientele. Thus, we have to be very professional in what we do. Now and in the future, our belief in leadership will prevent us from exceeding any limits AHUON imposes. The feebleminded among our colleagues, overawed by divide-and-conquer rhetoric, will come to reckon in the days to come what effect deserting the flock in the hour of need will have on the Hajj and Umrah industry and maybe on their going concerns. Time shall tell!



I was impressed with how AHUON pursued its legitimate demands and engagement with NAHCON, which was devoid of involving the then Acting Chairman, Professor Abdullahi Usman Saleh, in all that transpired. That was wise, thoughtful, and objective since the Sheikh was not there when the wrongs were committed. To my mind, AHUON was cleansing the stable ahead of Sheikh Abdullahi’s ascension. Now that he’s come let AHUON seek his adjudication on all matters raised, just as the NEC has started doing. Doubtless, the new Chairman will judge justly, address all issues, and ensure amicable resolution. AHUON must cooperate maximally with Prof Abdullahi and avoid anything distracting him from his mission. The Chairman is a father and an instructor in religion. I am confident his doors will open to AHUON for genuine complaints, advice, and suggestions on how to better serve Allah's guests. 


AHUON should show gratitude to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for what he is doing for the Hajj operations in Nigeria. Whenever there is a need for any intervention, be it in deficit on tickets due to air carriers (as in the case of about N24 billion during his early days in office) or the assistance he granted to lessen the burden of Hajj fares on pilgrims (like the N90 billion, though Tour Operators’ pilgrims were axed..), the President is always there, listening and assisting. He deserves our prayers and support for his indulgence. I, for one, cannot understand why there should be any ticket deficit when the pilgrims had paid fully for the package, but President Tinubu came to the rescue anyway. Thank you, Mr President.


AHUON can draw the President’s attention to the defective recruitment process in the Hajj activities in this country. People without a history of how Hajj operations are conducted cannot find solutions to the issues affecting Hajj in Nigeria. Appointment to the board of NAHCON must not be a tool of political patronage, an avenue to reward loyalists. People deficient in logistics, time, resources, and human management in Hajj, who are too proud to learn all these from others, have no place in the Commission. Nemo dat quod nonhabet that is, “no one can give what they do not have”! This sector will remain where it is so long as the recruitment process remains as it is today.

Barrister Abdullahi Mukhtar, like him or loathe him, was the most successful Chairman of NAHCON because of his immense wealth of experience in Hajj operations, from leading the Kaduna State Pilgrims Board for many years to being the Commissioner in charge of operations and later becoming the head of NAHCON. As a human being, he has his faults. I took strong exception to some of Malam Abdullahi's actions and said so on these pages. Still, one thing is clear: the history of Hajj in Nigeria is incomplete without the contributions of Malam Abdullahi Mukhtar. He did more than any of his predecessors and successors to date during his stint at NAHCON, and since he left, we are virtually at a standstill. I offer apologies to nobody for saying this!

Having a Think Tank composed of past Chairmen and three Permanent Commissioners of Operations, Finance, and Planning will guide NAHCON's leadership and assist with operational issues. 


AHUON will assist the Chairman, Professor Abdullahi, in advocating for a fresh crew with whom he can operate more efficiently as a new entrant to the Commission. As we say in airline parlance, there is an urgent need for crew swaps, which refers ‘to the process of replacing flight crew members with a fresh team during a stopover.’ Let AHUON inform His Excellency President Tinubu that it is not only Jonah who should be thrown into the sea to avert turbulence; more people must also be drowned to maintain the vessel's stability. 

Bismillaah! Professor Abdullahi Usman Saleh, the captain of aircraft number NAHAJ25, needs a fresh crew for a smooth flight to Prince Muhammad Bin Abdulaziz International Airport, Madinah.